Our Staff

Senior Professor Swarna Piyasiri

Senior Professor
  • Qualifications
  • Qualifications


    1985:         Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Limnology (Inland water Resources), University of Vienna, Austria

    1978:        B Sc (Special) second-class Hons degree in Zoology. Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, graduated in. Zoology (Specialized subject) Chemistry (Subsidiary).

  • Teaching Areas
  • Teaching Areas

    Undergraduate Teaching

    Involved in teaching and in curriculum development process of the following subject areas for undergraduates in my carrier within my 39 years of academic service at University of Sri Jayewardenepura.

    All the following courses include practical sessions and some fieldwork.

    • Basic Limnology (inland water resources) on surface water, ground water and estuaries.
    • Advanced Limnology
    • Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences
    • Environmental Impact Assessment
    • GIS for undergraduates with hands on practice sessions
    • Cell Biology, Parasitology and Histology
    • Research Methodology

    I introduced a four-year B Sc degree program on Aquatic Resources Management (Highly popular among students with 100% employability)

     Postgraduate Teaching (Master?s Degree Programs)

    • Fundamentals of fresh water sciences
    • Ground water ecology
    • Fundamentals of Geographic Information systems with hands on practice sessions.
  • Research Interests
  • Research Interests

    Most of the research activities concentrated on water and land management, with the goal of protecting and improving the natural environment. Effect of catchment characteristics on water quality of major hydropower reservoirs of Sri Lanka & natural resources management also were concentrated during the research carrier.

    Most of the research with a multidisciplinary approach contributes more towards protecting the ecosystem health. The research mainly focused on inland water resources; surface & Ground water resources, developing water quality index as a preventive measure for protecting water resources from pollution and developing water quality Index for water resources to correlate the relationships to Chronic Kidney disease in the North Central province of Sri Lanka. The experience and knowledge in statistical packages, GIS (Arc GIS 10+) and many software packages, facilitates my research work.

    Contributed as a Team Leader in many research projects and involved in consultancies such as Limnology project at Mahaweli reservoirs (15 years through Mahaweli development authority), recently as a chief investigator to mangrove project and published an international book on Greening with mangroves by IUCN. Worked as a chief investigator to a water sector project under UNDP (8 months +) in Walapane water quality project.

  • Research Publications
  • Research Publications


    1. Senadeera, KPGW, Piyasiri, S, Nandalala, KDW, Chandrajith, R & Ranatunga, K (2021): Assessment of Ground Water Hydrogeochemical Facies using Graphical tools in Giranduru Kotte area, Sri Lanka. In International conference on Multidiciplinary Research 2020 conducted by British College of Applied Studies. ISBN978-624-5587-00-1

    2. Senanayake SAMIK, Piyasiri, S, Nandalala, KDW, Chandrajith, R & Ranatunga, K (2021): Geochemical classification of ground water of Anuradhapura Area: Case study Medawachgchiya and Huruluwewa area. In International conference on Multidiciplinary Research 2020 conducted by British College of Applied Studies. ISBN978-624-5587-00-1

    3. Swarna Piyasiri and Indunil Senanayake (2016); Status of Ground Water in Vavuniya City, Sri Lanka with Special Reference to Fluoride and Hardness. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies vol. 3 (1) 2016

    4. Damith Chandrasekera & Swarna Piyasiri (2015): Spatial planning for promoting sustainable development in a post- Disaster Situation: A case of Post conflict study in Pachchilaipalli Divisional Secretary in the Killinochchi District of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Volume ? 02, Issue 01, 2015.

    5. Swarna Piyasiri- Editor- (2012): Hazard Profiles of Sri Lanka- 231p- published by Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Disaster management & United Nations development Programme ISBN 978-955-674-135-3.

    6. K D W Nandalal, Swarna Piyasiri and K G A M C S Abeysinghe (2010): Forecasting thermal stratification of the Victoria reservoir using a hydrodynamic model Engineer, journal of Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka, Vol xxxxiii july, no.3 pages 26-37.

    7. Swarna Piyasiri (2009): Surface waters, their status and management; Economic Review published by Research Department, People?s Bank, Colombo (Vol 35, Nos 3&4 June/July 2009).

    8. Swarna Piyasiri (2008): Management of inland waters of Sri Lanka with reference to 32 reservoirs, Proceedings of the symposium on Water: research trends in Sri Lanka

    9. Senadeera K.P.G.W., Piyasiri S. & Nandalal K.D.W. (2007) The evaluation of Morphmetric Characteristics of Kotmale Reservoir catchment using GIS as a tool, Sri Lanka, 5th International symposium 13 ? 15th June 2007 ITC, Enschede The Netherlands.

    10. Abeysinghe, K.G.A.M.C.S, K D W Nandalal & S Piyasiri, (2005): Prediction of thermal stratification of the Kotmale reservoir using a hydrodynamic model. J Natn. Sci Foundation. Sri Lanka, vol 33(1):25-36 indexed journal ISSN1391-4588

    11. Swarna Piyasiri & Fritz Schiemer (2002): Food and temperature dependence on life historyn stratagy of Phyllodiaptomus annae a tropical calanoid species, Verh, Int Verein. Limnol., 28, 1-4 Stuttgart.

    12. Swarna Piyasiri (2001): Increasing eutrophy in Kotmale reservoir; Sri Lanka: A 5 year study Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27, 3604 -3607

    13. Swarna Piyasiri & Nishanthi Perera (2001): Role of Oreochromis Hybrids in Controlling Microcystis aeruginosa Blooms in the Kotmale reservoir in Reservoir & culture based fisheries: Biology and Management ACIAR Proceedings No. 98 pp 137 148

    14. Swarna Piyasiri (2000): Some limnological observations at Kotmale, Victoria and Randenigala Reservoirs In: Limnology and Fishery of the Mahaweli River Basin: A modified watershed; E I L Silva (ed.) pp 34

    15. Hulathduwa, Y D & Swarna Piyasiri: (2000): Species richness and population structure of zooplankton in Victoria Reservoir (Res Sess. FGS).

    16. Swarna Piyasiri (1999): Contribution of Upland Hydropower reservoirs in the nutrient transfer process via river mahaweli to coastal zone of Sri Lanka. (in the proceedings of the South Asia regional workshop on estuarine modelling and coastal zone Management, IGBP-SL) pp 119-130.

    17. Kariyawasam M & Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Intense feeding hours of Oreochromis niloticus & Oreochromis mossambicus and their digestibility of Cyanophyceae in Beira Lake. Vidy J of Sci. Vol 7 pp 101-

    18. Nishanthi Perera & Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Community dynamics of plankton in the Kotmale reservoir . Proceed. Ann Res sess, FGS.

    19. Swarna Piyasiri & Chandrananda, W P N (1998): Studies on population structure of Zooplankton in Kotmale reservoir. J Natn. Sci Coun. Sri Lanka. 26 (2): 59 ? 76

    20. Pathmalal, M M & Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Species composition and Population dynamics of zooplankton in Randenigala reservoir Vidy. J of Sc; Vol 8

    21. Nishanthi Perera & Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Species composition and population dynamics of the phytoplankton community in the Kotmale reservoir. J Natn. Sci Coun. Sri Lanka 26 (4): 293-309.

    22. Nahallage Charmalie & Swarna Piyasiri (1996): Trophic Status of Beira Lake, Vidy J of Sci Vol 7 pp 33 -42

    23. Pathmalal, M.M. & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): The Chlorophyll -a density, species composition and population structure of phytoplankton in Randenigala reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Vidy. J. Sci., Vol 5.).

    24. Swarna Piyasiri (1996): Fish plankton interactions in Victoria reservoir, Sri Lanka. Enviornment and Biodiversity: In the context of South Asia, pp 212 ? 219. (A Chapter in the Book titled ?Environment & Bio diversity ?).
    25. Swarna Piyasiri (1995): Eutrophication and algal bloom problem in Kotmale reservoir, Sri Lanka. K H Timotius and Goltenboth (Eds), Tropical Limnology Vol II Satya Wacana University Press. Salatiga, Indonesia

    26. Swarna Piyasiri (1992): A Limnological study at Kotmale, Victoria & Randenigala reservoirs. Vidy. J. Sci., Vol. 4, No. 1 pp: 155 ? 166

    27. Chandrananda, W.P.N. and Swarna Piyasiri (1992): Seasonal, diurnal & vertical distribution patterns of cyclopods in Kotmale reservoir. Vidy. J. Sci., Vol. 4, No. 1 pp: 179 ? 189

    28. Chandrananda, W.P.N. and Swarna Piyasiri (1992): Population structure & polymorphism of Ceriodaphnia cornuta in kotmale reservoir. Vidy. J.Sci., Vol. 4, No. 1 pp: 167 ? 177

    29. Swarna Piyasiri (1991): Some Limnological observations at Kotmale, Victoria, and Randenigala reservoirs. Proceedings of third Asian conference on Technology for Rural development. 1991, pp 53 -57.

    30. Swarna Piyasiri (1991): Limnology project at Mahaweli reservoirs: Some Physical properties of Kotmale, Victoria and Randenigala reservoirs. Vidy. J. Sci., Vol. 3 Nos. 1, pp 45 -61.

    31. Swarna Piyasiri & Jayakody, J.K.U. (1991): Ecology of zooplankton at victoria reservoir in Sri Lanka, Composition and population structure of zooplankton. Verh. Intern. Verein Limnol. 24, 1430 ? 1435 Stuttgart, Juni 1991

    32. Swarna Piyasiri & Wijesinghe, L.A. (1989): The types, Morphology and population patterns of metazoan parasites of Amblygaster clupeoides in Sri Lanka. Vidy. J. Sci., Vol, Nos 1 & 2, July 1989, pp65-86.

    33. Swarna Piyasiri (1985 b): Food dependence on growth and development of two tropical and temperate calanoid species. Verh. Internat. Verein Limnol. 22, 3185 ? 3189.

    34. Swarna Piyasiri (1985 a): Methodological aspects of defining food dependence and food thresholds in fresh water calanoids. Arch. Hydrobiolo. Berli. Ergebn. Limnol. 21, 277 ? 284. Indexed journal- ISSN 0071-1128

    Published as Abstracts

    1. S M A U D Senanayake, Swarna Piyasiri, K D W Nandalal & Rohana Chandrajith & Kamal Ranatunge (2015); Comparison of Fluoride & hardness levels in Ground water resources of CKDU prevelance Medawachchiya area and CKDU non prevalence Huruluwewa area. Proceedings of International conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches 2015

    2. K P G W Senadeera, S Piyasiri K D W Nandalal (2015): Cadmium, Arsenic and Fluoride in Ground water at Girandurukotte and Nagadeepa, Badulla District, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches 2015

    3. D Chandrasekera, S Piyasiri, K Ranatunga, K D W Nandalal (2014): Stratagic Environmnet Assessment in post-conflict settings: A case study on Kilinochchi District of Sri Lanka. International conference on Multidiciplinary Approaches 2014.

    4. K P G W Senadeera, S Piyasiri K D W Nandalal (2014): Evaluation of Morphometric Characteristics of Randenigala reservoir catchment using GIS as a tool, in Sri Lanka. International conference on Multidiciplinary Approaches 2014

    5. Swarna Piyasiri & S M A U D Senanayake (2014) Mapping Suitable Ground Water resources in Vavu-niya City for consumptive purposes. International conference on Multidiciplinary Approaches 2014

    6. S M A U D Senanayake & Swarna Piyasiri (2014): Cadmium and Arsenic distribution in shallow and deep ground water resources of Medawachchiya & Huruluwewa 2014

    7. M A N S Fernando & S Piyasiri (2014): Sri Lankan Water Quality Index (SLWQI) use for Summarization of Ground Water Quality Data, International conference on Multidiciplinary Research 2014

    8. M A N S Fernando & S Piyasiri (2012): Use of water Quality Index (WQI) to analyse potential water quality threats to ground water at Nawakkaduwa GN division in Kalpitiya ? international symposium on Challenges ahead 2012- water quality & human health proceedings, 22nd to 23rd March 2012 held in Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS) University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

    9. Senadeera K.P.G.W, and Piyasiri S (2007): Assessment of morphometric characteristics of Randenigala reservoir catchment using GIS as a tool, Sri Lanka. ?Social realities and natural environment in Sri lanka insiders & outsiders perspectives?1-3 Nov. 2007, Univ of Portsmouth11th International conference on Sri Lanka studies, UK.

    10. Senadeera K.P.G.W, Piyasiri S. & Nandalal K.D.W. (2006) Assessment of Soil Erosion hazard of Victoria Catchment area using GIS as a tool, International Forestry and Environment Symposium 22 ? 23rd December 2006 at Kalutara, Sri Lanka (Eleveth Sympsoium organized by Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka)

    11. Senadeera K.P.G.W & Piyasiri S. (2006): Assessment of Soil Erosion hazard of Kotmale Catchment area using GIS as a tool, International Conference on Humid Tropical Ecosystems 5. -9th December 2006, Kandy, Sri Lanka, commemorating the 50th anniversary of UNESCO Humid Tropics Programme organized by the Sri Lanka?s National MAB Committee, the National Science Foundation and the International MAB Secretariat, Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences, UNESCO.

    12. Senadeera K.P.G.W & Piyasiri S. (2005): Assessment of Soil Erosion hazard of Rantambe Catchment area using GIS as a tool. Proceedings of the 5th Research session 2004 published by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Univ. Of Sri Jayewardenepura

    13. Abeysinghe, K.G.A.M.C.S.; Nandalal, K.D.W.& Piyasiri, S & (2005): Improvement of water quality in a reservoir: case of Kotmale reservoir in Sri Lanka abstract vol 11th world lake conference nyrobi Kenya page 26.

    14. M D S Janaki & Swarna Piyasiri (2005): Plankton as bio indicators of water quality in the Bolgoda lake, SLAAS 61st sessions

    15. W A U Vitharana, N J G J Bandara & Piyasiri S (2005): Investigation of heavy metals in edible fish species. A section of Bellanwila and Aththidiya canal. SLAAS proceedings of the 61st Annual session.

    16. Abeysinghe, K.G.A.M.C.S.; Nandalal, K.D.W.& Piyasiri, S (2003): A study on thermal stratification of Victoria reservoir in Sri Lanka. Proceedinghs of the 5th research sessions 2002 published by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

    17. Abeysinghe K G A M C S, Nandalal K D W and Piyasiri S (2003): A study on thermal stratification of Victoria reservoir in Sri Lanka using DYRESM model. SLAAS proceedings of the 59th annual sessions 9- 13 Dec 2003

    18. Senadeera, K P G W, Piyasiri S and Nandalal, K.D.W (2003): The evaluation of morphometric features of the catchment of the Victoria reservoir using GIS as a tool Proceedinghs of the 5th research sessions 2002 published by the Faculty of Graduate studies.

    19. Senadeera, K P G W, and Piyasiri S (2003): The evaluation of morphometric features of the catchments of Kotmale, Victoria, Randenigala and Rantambe reservoirs using GIS as a tool. SLAAS proceedings of the 59th annual sessions 9- 13 Dec 2003

    20. Abeysinghe K G A M C S, Nandalal K D W and Piyasiri S (2002): A study on thermal stratification of Kotmale reservoir in Sri Lanka. SLAAS proceedings of the 58th annual sessions 2-7 Dec 2002

    21. Senadeera, K P G W, Piyasiri, S, Nandalal, K.D.W & S Nalin De Silva (2002): Evaluation of factors contributing to high conductivity values in Talatu Oya, Kiwiliyadda Oya and Kapuliyadda Oya in the catchment of Victoria reservoir using Geographic Information System (GIS) as a tool. SLAAS Proceedings of the 58th annual session part 1- Abstract of presentations 2-7th Dec 2002

    22. Swarna Piyasiri & U S P K Liyanage (2002): Management of Kandy lake against Eutrophication using GIS as a tool.

    23. Swarna Piyasiri & Fritz Schiemer (2001): Food and temperature Dependence on Life History Stratagy of Phyllodiaptomus annae, A tropical Calanoid species. Abstract on the paper presented at Society of International limnology (SIL). Feb 4th to 10th 2001, held at Melbourne, Australia.

    24. Swarna Piyasiri & N M P Perera (2000): Role of Oreochromis hybrids in controlling Microcystis aeruginosa bloom in Kotmale reservoir, Sri Lanka (Accepted for publication in the Abstract book of the workshop on reservoir and culture- Based Fisheries; Biology and Management ? an International workshop 15th ? 18th Feb 2000, Bangkok, Thailand.

    25. K S Mahalekame & Swarna Piyasiri (2000) : Preliminary survey of Biological indicators in Kandy Lake in the abstract book published by Forestry & Environment Science, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura.

    26. Swarna Piyasiri (1999): Transport of nutrients to coastal zone by river Mahaweli in Sri Lanka. (Published in Abstract book published on regional workshop on Estuarine modelling and coastal Zone Management, A joint START/LOICZ/IGBP-SL Workshop 28th April ?01 May 1999

    27. Swarna Piyasiri (1999): Limnological status of Rantambe reservoir. Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science). SLAAS 55th Annual session

    28. Nishanthi Perera & Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Top down controll of Microcystis aeruginosa in Kotmale reservoir. (Proceedings of the symposium on Cyanobacterial toxins in water).

    29. Nishanthi Perera & Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Community dynamics of plankton in Kotmale reservoir in proceedings of research sessions, Fac of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura).

    30. Swarna Piyasiri (1998): Nutrient loading process via tributaries in catchment and changing trophic status in Kotmale reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Abstract published by Society of International Limnologiae XXVII Congress Aug 8 ? 14 1998)

    31. Kariyawasam M & Swarna Piyasiri (1996): Sttudies on intense feeding and digestibility of cyanophyceae by Oreochromis niloticus & Oreochromis mossambicus in Beira Lake. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science 52nd Annual session).

    32. Nishanthi Perera & Swarna Piyasiri (1996): Species composition, distribution patterns of the phytoplankton community in the Kotmale reservoir. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ? 52nd Annual session).

    33. Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Eutrophication and blue green algal bloom problem in Kotmale reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Abstract published for international conference on tropical limmnology, held in Salatiga, Indonesia).

    34. Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Fish plankton interactions in Victoria reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Abstract book published for international Congress on Environment and Bio diversity held in Nepal).

    35. Pathmalal M M & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Species composition and population dynamics of zooplankton in Randenigala reservoir. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).

    36. Liyanage, S P & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): trophic status of Kotmale reservoir and nutrient loading through the tributaries in the catchment (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).

    37. Chandrananda W P N & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Feeding pattern & digestibility of food in Oreochromis mossambicus in Kotmale reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).

    38. Chandrananda W P N & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Trophic plasticity & variation in diet of commercially important fish in Kotmale reservoir. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).

    39. Hettiarachchi H A A & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Composition and population dynamics of plankton in Rantambe reservoir, (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).

    40. Fernando Y D N & Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Composition and distribution of plankton and diurnal migratory patterns of zooplankton in Victoria reservoir, (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).
    41. Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Assessment of trophic status of some Mahaweli Hydropower reservoirs. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 50th Annual session).

    42. Swarna Piyasiri (1994): Eutrophication and blue green algal bloom problem in Kotmale reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Abstract published for international conference on tropical limmnology, held in Salatiga, Indonesia).

    43. Fernando Y D N & Swarna Piyasiri (1993): Preliminary investigation on food habitats of fish in Kotmale (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ? 49th Annual session).

    44. Pathmalal, M. M. & Swarna Piyasiri (1993): The Chlorophyll -a density, species composition and population structure of Phytoplankton in Randenigala reservoir, Sri Lanka. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science- 49th Annual session).

    45. Chandrananda, W P N & Swarna Piyasiri (1993): The Seasonal, diurnal, vertical and seasonal distribution patterns of cyclopoid copepods in Kotmale reservoir. (Abstract published by Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science ? 49th Annual session).

    46. Chandrananda, W P N & Swarna Piyasiri (1992): Population structure & polymorphism of Cereodaphnia cornuta in Kotmale reservoir. (Abstract published by the Sri Lanka Association for the advancement of Science 48th Annual session).

    47. Swarna Piyasiri (1991): Some limnological observations at Kotmale, Victoria and Randenigala reservoirs. published for the third asian conference on technology for rural development, held in Malaysia).

    48. Swarna Piyasiri & Jayakody J K U (1990); Ecology of zooplankton at Victoria reservoir in Sri Lanka. (Abstract published by the society of international Limnology. Congress held in West Germany).

    49. Swarna Piyasiri & Jayakody J K U (1989); Ecology of zooplankton at Victoria reservoir; Composition and population structure of zooplankton. (Abstract published by the society of international Limnology. Congress held in West Germany).

    50. Swarna Piyasiri (1989): Some limnological observations at Kotmale, Victoria and Randenigala reservoirs. National workshop on in-stream ecology and reservoir production of the Mahaweli Basin, A modified ecosystem 22- 23 March 1989 Conducted by IFS Kandy.

    51. Swarna Piyasiri (1984): Food dependence on growth and development of two tropical and temperate calanoid species. (Abstract published for the conference on ?food limitation in Zooplankton? held in West Germany).

    52. Swarna Piyasiri (1983): Methodological aspects of defining food dependence and food thresholds in fresh water calanoids. (Abstract published by the Society of International Limnology. Conference held in West Germany).

    Books published

    • Swarna Piyasiri, Ananda Mallawatantri, Damith Chandrasekera and Sandamali Pathirage (2018): Greening with Mangroves. Colombo. International Union for Conservation of Nature, ISBN 978-955-0205-51-6
    • Gihan Karunaratne & Swarna Piyasiri (2018): Impact of water quality on the zooplankton abundance in the Bolgoda River, Sri Lanka. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-659-57761-1
    • Swarna Piyasiri :Revised edition (2016) of Fresh water resources and their management for Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental studies: Level 7 NEP 2209 published by the Open University of Sri Lanka, First published in 2001, ISBN -955-23
    • Swarna Piyasiri: Fresh water resources and their management for Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental studies: Level 7 NEP 2209 published by the Open University of Sri Lanka, First published in 2001, ISBN -955-23
    • Swarna Piyasiri: Fundamentals of Environmental Impact Assessment for Bachelor of Sciences: Level 6 ZLU4191- publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka ISBN -978-955-23-1326-4
    • Swarna Piyasiri: Geographic information System (GIS) in Natural Resources Management: Level 6 ZLU4190 ? publisher: The Open University of Sri Lanka. published by the Open University of Sri Lanka, ISBN -987-955-23-1327-1
    • Swarna Piyasiri & WPN Chandrananda: Kriyakari Sathwaya (Vol 1) for Advance level students and undergraduate students- 955-96747-0-6 1999 2000 2001
    • Swarna Piyasiri & WPN Chandrananda: Kriyakari Sathwaya (Vol 2) for Advance level students and undergraduate students 955-96747-1-4 1999 2000 2001 2003


    • 2009 Environmental Outlook- 2009
      Author to a chapter on inland waters of Sri Lanka for the Ministry of Environment and Forestry under the Ministry of Environment & natural Resources United Nations Environmental Programme- ISBN 978-955-0033-10-2
    • 2007 National Atlas 2007-:
      Author to the National Atlas (2007 ? ISBN- 955-9059-04-1) of Sri Lanka for the chapter on ?Morphometry of river basins of Sri Lanka?. The revised National Atlas of Sri Lanka, published by the Survey dept.
    • 2002 Asian Water, Asia?s leading magazine on the water and wastewater industry
      Author to article on water issues of Sri Lanka in the ?country focus? section for the November 2002 issue. (Vol 18, No. 9 Malaysia: RM 28 Elsewhere pp 12360/2003, MITA (p) 053/09/2000)


    • 1987-2004: Annual reports on Limnology Project at Mahaweli reservoirs A study of physical Chemical and Biological parameters of Victoria, Kotmale and Randenigala and Rantambe reservoirs (18 reports from 1987 to 2004) submitted to Mahaweli authority
      As the Team Leader following reports (Study No 2 and 5) cited as follows:
    • May (2010): Seasonal variation in water quality in Baticcaloa Lagoon, including the identification of the most likely sources of key pollutants assayed and recommendations to improve the future water quality in the lagoon, Final report Pp 80. Annexure 6. May 2010, NEC/PO/TECS (II)/08/02. NECCDEP/GrenTec Consultants. ADB Loan 2027 SRI (SF): North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP)
    • May (2010) Seasonal variation in water quality in Arugam Lagoon, including the identification of the most likely sources of key pollutants assayed and recommendations to improve the future water quality in tha lagoon, Final report Pp 70. Annexture 6. May 2010, NEC/PO/TECS (II)/08/02. NECCDEP/GrenTec Consultants. ADB Loan 2027 SRI (SF): North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP)
    • 2007: Comprehensive Watershed Management Plan & Mitigatory Action Plan for Moragahakandea Agricultural Development Project (2007): A World Bank funded project through Mahaweli Authrity.
    • 2007: Final report on Moragahakanda Agricultural Development Project for preparation of comprehensive watershed management plan & mitigatory action plan (Aug 2006 to March 2007)
    • 2003: Final report on compiling information relating to runoff of the upper Mahaweli watershed and analysis of Limnological information to identify the pollution trends in the major reservoirs including tributaries (2003)

    Research supervision and evaluation


    I have received more than 10 research grants, both national & international. I supervised, PhD degrees, M Phil degrees M Sc dissertations and undergraduate B.Sc special degree research projects as follows:

    Ph. D Degrees ? Titles

    2017 Assessment of Post Conflict Development in Kilinochchi district using Strategic Environment Assessment as a Tool: Implications for Planning.
    2017 Development of a Water Quality Index to ascertain the vulnerability to Chronic Kidney Disease of Uncertain etiology among the Groundwater users in North Central Province of Sri Lanka
    2017 Effect of hydro geochemistry of groundwater on chronic kidney disease with unknown etiology (CKDu) in Girandurukotte and Nagadeepa of Sri Lanka
    2004 Distribution of Phytoplankton and its potential as indicator of environmental change in the Batticaloa lagoon
    2002 Limnology of Kotmale reservoir & fish plankton interactions.

    M Phil Degrees- Titles

    2007 The effect of catchment characteristics and the land use practices on water quality of Kotmale, Victoria, Randenigala, & Rantambe reservoirs using GIS
    2006 A model on forecasting physical, chemical and biological water quality parameters of Kotmale, Victoria, Randenigala and Rantambe reservoirs for monitoring against eutrophication, pollution and other purposes
    1998 Fish plankton interactions and controlling algal blooms in Kotmale reservoir.

    M Sc Degrees ? Titles

    2012 Potential use of Water Quality Index (WQI) for Analyze Risk Distribution on Ground Water in Nawakkaduwa GN Division at Puttalam
    2004 Phytoplankton as a bio indicator in management of eutrophication problem in Kandy Lake
    2002 Zooplankton as bio indicators of eutrophication and possible eutrophication controlling measures for Kandy Lake
    2001 Trophic status of the Kandy Lake and an assessment of the effect of land use practices on eutrophication and blooming using GIS as a tool
    2000 Preliminary survey of biological indicators in Kandy lake Sri Lanka.

    B SC (Special) Degree Research Projects- Titles

    2017 Impact of water quality on abundance of zooplankton in Bolgoda river.
    Supervisor- Prof Swarna Piyasiri and Candidate: S G C Karunaratne
    2008 Zooplankton as bio indicators of water pollution in the Nuwarawewa, Anuradhapura.
    Supervisors Prof S Piyasiri & Dr Shirani Nethaniel, Candidate: C J Jayathilake, Fac. Of Applied Sciences, Rajarata university of Sri Lanka
    2005 Plankton as bio indicators of water quality in Bolgoda lake
    Supervisor: Prof S Piyasiri Candidate: M D S I Janaki, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura
    2005 Investigations of heavy metals in edible fish spcies in the section of Bellanwila Attidiya Canal
    Supervisors: Prof S Piyasiri & Nilanthi Bandara Candidate:W A U Witharana, Dept. of Forestry & Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura.
    2003 Composition of fish and their food habits in the downstream of Kelani river
    Supervisor: Prof S Piyasiri. Candidate:S Y B M Upeksha, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura
    2002 Feasibility of using freshwater fish species to mnitor the water quality of inlnd and brakish wetlands: An analysis of the Bolgoda river system. Supervisor: Prof S Piyasiri. Candidate:D M D C Bopitiya, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura


    Evaluated Ph D and MPhil degree Thesis as an examiner

    PhD thesis (National & International)

    2003 Taxonomic studies on the snakes of Pakistan. Candidate: Muhamad Akram
    Dept. of Zoology and fisheries, Faculty of Sciences, Univ. of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
    2000 Biology and water quality of three lagoons in southern Sri Lanka with special reference to anthropogenic impacts. Candidate: D G T Priyadharshana Univ. of Ruhuna
    1995 Limnobiotic study on the Bhutan reservoir in Bijapur area. Candidate: H S Patil
    Dept. of postgraduate studies in Zoology, Karnatak University, India

    M Phil thesis

    2004 An investigation of habitat species relationships in selected aquatic environments of Bundala National park ? A Ramsar Wetland? . Candidate- Mr. E P S Chandana, Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Colombo

  • Awards
  • Awards

    1. Received an award; The IBARAKI KASUMIGAURA PRIZE in honour of the outstanding contents of the paper titled: Improvement of water quality in a reservoir: case of Kotmale reservoir in Sri Lanka. (For the following paper presented during the 11th World lakes Conference in Nairobi, Kenya, on 31st October to 4th November,) Abeysinghe, K.G.A.M.C.S.; Nandalal, K.D.W.& Piyasiri, S (2005): Improvement of water quality in a reservoir: case of kotmale reservoir in Sri Lanka.
    2. Award of Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (From 01.03.2000 to 31.05.2000): Univ. of Vienna, Austria.
    3. Award of Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (from 01.10.1997 to 30.09.1998) to work on a research titled Biotic interactions in the pelagic zone of flood plain lakes.
  • Working Experience
  • Working Experience


    2021 to date Senior Professor in Faculty of Graduate Studies, Kotelawala Defence University

    2020 to 2021 Senior Professor, British College of Applied Studies

    2018 to date Emeritus Professor of Univ of Sri Jayewardenepura ? From 05th April 2018 to date.

    2012-2018 Senior Professor & Cadre Chair of the Department of Zoology, Univ of Sri Jayewardenepura ? from 25.10.2012 to 5th January 2018

    2008-2018 Senior Professor of the Department of Zoology, Univ of Sri Jayewardenepura on merit- From 3rd April 2008- 4th January 2018.

    2016-2017 Senior professor, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Sir John Kotelawala Defence University from 15.09.2015 to 14.09.2016 (on Sabbatical Leave)

    Senior Professor on contract basis at Sir John Kotelawala Defence University from 1.12.2016 to 31.12.2017.

    2000-2018 Professor on merit ? Department of Zoology, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura: from 3rd April 2000 to 2nd April 2008

    2007 Professor of Zoology: (The Open University of Sri Lanka) for 21 months from 1st July 2007 to 30th May 2009 on contract basis (during sabbatical leave period from July 2007).

    1991-2000 Senior Lecturer (Grade 1) in Zoology from 1st Jan 1991 to 3rd April 2000. Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda.

    1986-1991 Senior Lecturer (Grade II) in Zoology from 1st October 1986 to 31st Dec. 1991. Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura, Nugegoda.

    1985-1986 Senior Lecturer (Grade II) in Zoology from 1st March 1985 to 30th Sept. 1986 at Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Ruhuna, Matara.

    1978-1985 Lecturer (Asst Lecturer) in Zoology from 15th September 1978 to 31st Feb 1985 at Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Ruhuna, Matara (Obtained Ph D in Vienna during this period).

    1977-1978 Research Assistant (Temporary) from Sept. 1977 to Sept. 1978 at Dept. of Zoology, Univ. of Peradeniya, Kandy, Sri Lanka.


    2014 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 25th Aug 2014 to 30th Aug 2014

    2013 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 14th Oct 2013 to 20th Oct 2013

    2012 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 29th March 2012 to 8th April 2012

    2011 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 9th July 2011 to 19th July 2011

    2011 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 4th April 2011 to 11th April 2011

    2010 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 20th Nov. 2010 to 25th Nov. 2010

    2010 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 23rd April 2010 to 27th April 2010

    2010 Vice Chancellor (Acting) ? from 3rd Feb2010 to 07th Feb 2010

    2009-2012 Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jaywardenepura

    2012-2013 Acting Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jaywardenepura

    2013-2016 Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri Jaywardenepura

    2004-2007 Head, Dept. of Zoology:


    2021 ECOLOGIST in the consultancy services for Planning, Design and procurement of Environment Management Services component for Trincomalee, Dambulla, Kurunegala and Ratnapura cities in Sri Lanka for the Ministry of Megapolis and Western Development. Four months spread over the period from 21st January 2021 to February 2021

    2019 CONSULTANT to UNDP as the water Quality expert (water sources study in Walapane Divisional Secretariat Division) for 8 months from 28th March 2019

    2017 ECOLOGIST & ENVIRONMENTALIST to IUCN to prepare Preliminary Situation Analysis (PSA) on Mangrove profile of Sri Lanka.

    2016-2017 TEAM LEADER and Environmental Expert ? IEE for Proposed Odel New Development at Ward place, Colombo 7 (2016/2017)


    2014 TEAM LEADER to IEE for the proposed 132 KV transmission line from Randeniya to Badulla Grid Substation. CEA has given the approval for the report. (Dec 2013 to 10th April 2014).

    2013 TEAM LEADER to Supplementary EIA for the Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project. Approval was received in February 2013


    Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project (DZUWSP) funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Vavuniya, Mannar, Chilaw & Puttalam from Dec 2011 to Feb 2012-

    2012 TEAM LEADER to IEE for the proposed project to setup an industrial estate at Achchuweli, Jaffna. Developer Industrial Development Board. IEE was conducted through the university & CEA has given the approval for the report. (July 2012 to Sept 2012).

    2011 TEAM LEADER (Ecologist) in EIA for the Uma Oya Multipurpose Development Project. Approval was received in 2011

    2011 ENVIRONMENTALIST to Metro Colombo Urban Development project (MCUDP)
    Year: July 2011- (project completed & Environmental Assessment report is published in the WEB). Location: Colombo Metropolitan area and the Client: Ministry of Defense

    2011 TEAM LEADER to IEE for the development of Movenpick city hotel ( 26 storied hotel), A five-star business hotel at Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 3. At Thimbirigasyaya, Colombo Client: Softlogic Holdings Ltd.

    2010-2011 TEAM LEADER to IEE project on Development of Kokduwa & Uruduwa at Bolgoda lake, Panadura Client: Phoenix Ventures LTD. Holding company of Brandix Group

    2009 WATER QUALITY EXPERT North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP) funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) in 2009- water quality study at Batticalaoa and Arugam lagoons

    2008 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT (ADB Staff Consultant). Local Government Infrastructure Improvement Project ? LGIIP (June 2008). ADB loan no. 2201 SF (SRI) SPCU package 1 ??North, east and north central provinces

    2008 SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT for Environmental Assessment of following projects funded by ADB and served as the ADB staff consultant:

    1. Initial Environmental Assessment for Kahatagasdigiliya Library subproject,
    2. Initial Environmental Examination Report for Thalawa road improvement subproject
    3. Initial Environmental Examination Report for Medawachchiya Road improvement subproject
    4. Initial Environmental Examination Report for Nochchiyagama Water supply subproject and
    5. Initial Environmental Examination Report for Hingurakgoda Sewer subproject.
    2008 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT to a Project titled: Spatial Information Infrastructure and Reconstruction Monitoring (SIIRM) project

    2007 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT to the Environmental Assessment of the home owner driven component of Tsunami Housing reconstruction ? Colombo District (DS divisions; Moratuwa, Ratmaana, Dehiwala, Colombo and Thimbirigasyaya). August 2007 to Dec 2007- (World Bank funded project).

    2007 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT to ADB funded Project to upgrade the estate roads of Sri Lanka. (June 2007)

    2007 TEAM LEADER for the IEE project on construction of an extension to Taj Air port Garden Hotel- Negombo. Year: March to June 2007 client: Taj Samudra group of companies.

    2006 ENVIRONMENTALIST to the Project: Construction of Rekawa lagoon bridge at Kapuhenwela (Sept 2006) for German Development Cooperation (GTZ), Project No. REPSI S/LSC/No. 4a

    2006 ENVIRONMENTALIST to Moragahakanda Agricultural Development Project for preparation of comprehensive watershed management plan & mitigatory action plan (Aug 2006 to March 2007)

    1986-2004 TEAM LEADER :to Limnology Project at Mahaweli Reservoirs (1986 to 2004) in Kotmale, Victoria, Randenigala and Rantambe reservoirs in Upper Mahaweli Catchment area for the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka.

    2004 TEAM LEADER & environmental expert to Project: Construction of a new highway bridge at Manampitiya across Mahaweli Ganga (July 2004) for the Roads Development Authority

    2004 Environmental expert to Project: North East Irrigated Agriculture Project II (NEIAP II) (2004)

    2004 TEAM LEADER & ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT to Project on Development of Kokduwa & Uruduwa at Bolgoda Lake,

    2003 TEAM LEADER & Environmental expert to Project: Construction of Kelani conservation Barrage (Feb. 2003) for Sri Lanka Land Reclamation Cooperation (SLLRD).

    2003 ENVIRONMENTALIST and Limnologist in DAM SAFETY AND RESERVOIR CONSERVATION PROJECT (2003) for The Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka

    2002 ENVIRONMENTALIST in RIVER BASIN MANAGEMENT PROJECT in Upper Mahaweli catchment areas for the Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka (World Bank Funded) from April 2002 ? August 2002.

    2002 ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT & water quality expert to Project: CAPABILITY STRENGTHENING OF WATER RESOURCES SECRETARIAT OF SRI LANKA (2002) for Water Resources Secretariat, Sri Lanka

    2001 ENVIRONMENTALIST in RESTORATION OF IRRIGATION TANKS; MALIPOTHA, ALUGALGE AND SUGULADEVI in Moneragala district (2001) for the Irrigation department

    2001 o Environmental expert to the following MINIHYDRO POWER PROJECTS (2001)
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Kumbukkan Oya at Uva Province Moneragala District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna, Duration: two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Kurundu Oya, Mahaweli Ganga at Central province, Nuwara Eliya District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna-Duration: : two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Panna Oya/ Kotmale Oya at Central Province Nuwara Eliya District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna-Duration: two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Rawana Ella, at Uva Province Badulla District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna, Duration: : two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Kirindi Oya, Sabaragamuwa Province, Ratnapura District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna, Duration: two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Mandagal Oya/ Kelani Ganga at Central Province Nuwara Eliya District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna ? Duration: : two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Maha Oya at Sabaragamuwa province at Kegalle District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna ? Duration: :two weeks
    o EIA study for a mini Hydro Power project at Mandagal Oya/ Kelani Ganga at Central Province Nuwara Eliya District. Study Ecological resources, Fauna Duration: : two weeks

    1998 TEAM LEADER & ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERT to 50 roomed hotel project at Bolgoda, Piliyandala for Lokuge tours and travels (Pvt) LTD, no.10, parsons road, Colombo 2

    1992 Environmental Expert to Project: Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project (1992) in Kotmale, Sri Lanka for Ceylon Electricity Board.

  • Memberships
  • Memberships

    1. Member of Society of International limnology (SIL)
    2. Fellow, Institute of Biology, Sri Lanka (Life member)
    3. Member of Sri Lanka Advancement of Science, Sri Lanka (Life member)
    4. Member of Sri Lanka Association for Aquatic Resources (Life member)
  • Editorial & Conference
  • Editorial & Conference


    • 2012 Editor to Hazard Profiles of Sri Lanka (2012)- 231p- published by Disaster Management Centre, Ministry of Disaster Management & United Nations development Programme ISBN 978-955-674-135-3. Published on 26th Dec 2012 on the safety day.


    • 2017 Editor in Chief for the KDU Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (KJMS) of the Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Vol 1 Issue 1- published in 2017.
      2014-2015 Editor in Chief to the International journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (IJMS) publish through the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura.
      IJMS Volume 1 issues 1 & 2- 2014 were published.
      IJMS Volume 2 Issue 1- 2015 published
    • 2001 Chief Editor- Proceedings of the third annual research sessions 2001 published by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura


    • Served as the Conference Chair for the International Conference on Multidisciplinary research- ICMR (on 9th January 2021) at British College of Applied Studies (BCAS).
    • Served as the Conference Chair for the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches- ICMA (from 11th to 12th September 2015) at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Univ of Sri Jayewrdenepura
    • Served as the Conference Chair for the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches ? ICMA (from 13-14th Aug 2014) at the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Univ of Sri Jayewrdenepura
    • Served as the Conference Chair for the academic conference organized by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura to celebrate its 50th Anniversary conducted from 10-12th Dec 2010.


    • 2017 Participated in Commonwealth Science Conference SINGAPORE: 13-16 JUNE 2017 as an invited delegate.
    • 2017 Participated in Women in University Administration program at Alumnus Summit on Saturday, January 7th 2017 in New Delhi, India.
    • 2016 Participated in Women in University Administration Program at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO sponsored by the U.S. Department of State). From 31.05.2016 ? 17 .06.2016
    • 2015 Technological Exposure Tour with the Students of Geographic Information Systems & Remote Sensing Degree and Diploma Programmes batch study tour in Bangkok, From 16.02.2015 ? 23.02.2015
    • 2015 Participated in 7th Annual International Symposium on University Rankings and Quality Assurance 2015- Brussels, Belgium and visited Vrije University from 20.5.2015 to 24.05.2015
    • 2014 Visited Kyoto University, Japan for an Official discussion on an international training program to be introduced to Japanese students in the Faculty of Graduate Studies at USJ, Sri Lanka from 02.11.2014 to 09.11.2014
    • 2014 ACUHR Management & PR network Conference from 12.07.2014 to 19.07.2014 in Glasgow, UK
    • 2012 Participated in 2nd QS MAPLE Conference designed for universities? presidents, senior leaders and strategists, and staff linked to national and international education across the world, and for higher education ministry officials from the Middle East and Africa. from 01.05.2012 to 06.05.2012 in South Africa.
  • Other
  • Other


    • 2015 Chief coordinator to international training program on aquatic & terrestrial wildlife and primate conservation (2nd to 15th august 2015) conducted only for the foreign students.
    • 2010-2013 Member of the Research and Higher degrees? committee (RHDC), Institute of Indigenous medicine, University of Colombo
    • 2012 Chairman of the evaluation panel- CVCD Excellence award panel
    • 2012 Chairman of Technical session 3- GIS for development held on 8th Nov 2012 at the International Research Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences held on 8th & 9th November 2012
    • 2012 Chairman for the session 2 of the Symposium on Toxicological aspects of Pesticides and CKDu in NCP, Sri Lanka held on 18th October 2012
    • 2012 Member of the Academic Board of National Institute of Fisheries and Nautical Engineering (NIFNE) from August 2012.
    • 2012 Member of the committee appointed by the Hon, Minister of Higher Education. S B Dissanayake to prepare a detailed curriculum of MD (Ayu.) Course -2012-2015
    • 2011 Member of the evaluation panel- CVCD Excellence award panel for 2011
    • 2010 Chairman of the session 3 of the symposium on SIDA SAREC Research Cooperation Project Regional Imbalances and Poverty Alleviation- 21st to 23rd October 2010.
    • 2009 Chairman of the organizing committee to organize the International conference for the celebration of the 5oth Anniversary of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura (2009).


    • 2018 Delivered the convocation speech at the 2018 convocation for the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura on invitation.


    • Chief Resource Person in GIS workshops
    • 2013 The chief resource person (Oct 2013): to conduct a 3-day training program on Certificate course on GIS and its applications for medical professionals using Arc GIS 10.1(From 11th to 13th October 2013
    • 2009 The chief resource person (Feb 2009): to conduct a 5 day training program on Fundamentals and concepts of GIS using Arc GIS 9.3 for professionals.(From 28th Feb to 17th March 2009- for 5 week ends)
    • 2008 The chief resource person (May 2008): to conduct a 8 day training program on GIS and natural resources management using Arc GIS 9.2 for professionals.
    • 2003 GIS Consultant (Jan 2003): Interpolation of rainfall data & temperature data of Sri Lanka for a Project on Asia Pacific Network (APN/SASCOM/LOICZ) coordinated through Sri Lanka Advancement of Science, Sri Lanka.
    • 2000 Resource person in Arc View 3.2 GIS Training Programme 30th August to 01st September 2000 at Urban Development Authority (UDA), Battaramulla.

    Resource person in other Professional workshops

    • 2017 Resource person to staff Development Centre to deliver a lecture on ?Designing and developing Research Proposals ?on 10.07.2017 from 10.30 to 12.30 hrs at the Staff Development Center, Sir John Kotelawala Defence University, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka.
    • 2009 Resource person to the Theme seminar on Science for sustainable use of water resources organized by Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (SLAAS) on 2nd Dec 2009: Presented the theme seminar on ?pollution of inland waters and human factor?.
    • 2009 Resource person in the workshop conducted by North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP) funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). (22nd May 2009): conducted a presentation on ?Seasonal variation in water quality of Arugam lagoon.
    • 2009 Resource person in the workshop conducted by North East Coastal Community Development Project (NECCDEP) funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). (22nd May 2009): conducted a Seminar on ?Seasonal variation in water quality of Batticaloa lagoon.
    • 2008 Resource person for the Symposium on Water: Research Trends in Sri Lanka conducted by Sri Lanka Association for Advancement of Science (SLAAS) on 14th July 2008: Conducted the presentation on Water resources management in Sri Lanka with reference to 32 reservoirs in Sri Lanka, SLAAS
    • 2008 Resource person to make a presentation Seminar (4th July 2008) to Officers of Moratuwa, Ratmalana, Colombo, Dehiwala and Thimbirigasyaya DS divisions on Environmental Assesment on tsunami housing project (Eligibility verification survey and rapid environmental and socio economic survey)- Project funded by World Bank.
    • 2007 Resource person in the workshop conducted on Dam safety & reservoir conservation for sustainable management of existing water resources organized by Franco ? Ceylonese Technologists at Continental hotel on 27th April 2007: Conducted the presentation on ?reservoir conservation measures?-
    • 2005 Resource person in the workshop on River basin coastal zone interactions organized by National committee on Land Ocean interactions in the coastal zone (LOICZ) and National Science Foundation (NSF) on (16th June 2005): presented a seminar on ?Inland reservoirs and catchment interactions?
    • 2002 Resource person to work shop on Management of Diffuse sources of Pollution in Sri Lanka held on 24th May 2002 conducted by SMEC International Pty Ltd. Made a presentation on diffuse sources of pollution in Sri Lanka.
    • 2002 Resource person in Present use and future development of GIS in Sri Lanka in Collaboration with SIDA/SAREC Research Cooperation Project 21st ? 23 January 2002 conducted by Univ. of Sri Jayewardenepura & Central Environmental authority of Sri Lanka. Made a presentation on pollution of Kandy lake due to catchment activities using GIS as a tool.
    • 2000 Resource person in the workshop on River basin coastal zone interactions organized by National committee APN/SASCOM/LOICZ, REGIONAL TRAINING WORKSHOP ON BIO GEOCHEMICAL BUDGETING AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC MODELLING FOR COASTAL SCIENCE 18-22 Sept. 2000, Colombo. Made a presentation on on limnology of upland reservoirs.
    • 2001 Resource person to workshop on river basin management Sept 14th, 2001 conducted by Institute of Engineers in Association with Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC). Made a presentation on environmental issues in major river basins of Sri Lanka.
    • 1999 Resource person to Regional workshop on Estuarine modeling and coastal zone Management, A joint START/LOICZ/IGBP-SL Workshop 28-30 April, 1999, Colombo. Conducted a seminar on nutrient loading effect from upland reservoirs.
    • 1997 Resource person to the workshop on Upper Mahaweli Catchment conservation- Status and trends conducted by SLAAS, Title of the Presentation: Limnology project at Mahaweli reservoirs Date of the event: 1997
    • 1993 The Guest speaker SLAAS section D Guest Lecture & Discussion. Presented at the SLAAS Auditorium Title of the Presentation: Limnological aspects and related environmental problems in Mahaweli Reservoirs Date of the event: 5th November 1993
    • 1989 Resource person to National workshop on Instream ecology and reservoir production of the Mahaweli basin- A modified ecosystem. Title of the Presentation: Some Limnological observations at Kotmale, Victoria and Randenigala reservoirs Date of the event : 1989
    • 1989 The Guest speaker to Research Colloquium. Presented at Institute of Fundamental Studies, Kandy on an invitation. Title of the Presentation: Limnological studies at Mahaweli reservoirs Date of the event: 24th May 1989.