KDU Consultancy Services Unit (KDU-CONSU) - Opening ceremony

The purpose of establishing this unit is to provide KDU professionals with the opportunity to formally collaborate with others in serving the country with their specialized knowledge, with the approval of the Board of Management of KDU.

The KDU Consultancy Services Unit was formally established on September 21, 2022, with the presence of Major General Milinda Peiris, Vice-Chancellor of General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University.

At the commencement of the event, Dr. Thushara Madanayake, a committee member of the KDU CONSU, delivered the welcome address. Then the Vice-Chancellor officially established the KDU Consultancy Services Unit of  General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University by launching its website. Senior Professor Swarna Piyasiri, the Head of the KDU Consultancy Services Unit, gave a presentation on the KDU CONSU and its responsibilities for carrying out the relevant activities. The Vice-Chancellor discussed the expected contributions of KDU CONSU and its importance to the KDU and the country during his address. Dr. Prasad Premarathne, the assistant director of KDU CARE, gave the session’s concluding remarks.

KDU CONSU has three main objectives namely; Participate in Projects of National Importance, Participate in international projects and serve the industrial sector.

To meet the first objective, of KDU CONSU, It is required to register with the Central Environmental Authority to take part in national projects and  KDU CONSU is now registered with the CEA. KDU CONSU wishes to register with other international consulting agencies to involve in international projects.

Our mission is to provide the capacity and necessary strength of KDU CONSU to support national and international projects as well as the industrial sector of the nation by utilizing our specialists in a variety of disciplines.