MPhil & PhD Degree Programmes

MPhil and PhD Degrees

KDU offers postgraduate research degree programmes leading to the award of MPhil and PhD in two different windows (Window 1 and Window 2) to meet distinct requirements based on the academic background of the candidates. The SLQF levels of the two programmes are at 11 and 12 respectively and are completely research based. The degree involves a conduct of a research project, under the guidance of a research supervisor/s, in a chosen field of study, and submission of the final thesis. The award of degree will be based on the successful defense of the submitted thesis in front of two subject experts as examiners.

  • Member of ACU

  • Member of IAU

Type of Candidature
Full time or Part time
SLQF 11/12
Mode of Study
Fully Research Based

Eligibility Criteria

Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

A Master"s Degree (SLQF L9/10) in a relevant field from a recognized university


A Bachelor"s degree in a relevant field of four-year duration (SLQF L6) with a First or Second Class from a recognized university


A Bachelor"s degree in a relevant field of three-year duration (SLQF L5) with a First or Second Class and with a minimum of two-year experience in the relevant field


Passed Staff College (psc)/ Logistics Staff Course (lsc) or an equivalent from a local or foreign institution with a minimum of 20 years of service; AND

Evidence of at least one research publication. This includes journal articles/ conference papers


Any other relevant qualifications recommended by the relevant Board of Study, accepted by the Faculty Board, Faculty of Graduate Studies and approved by the Senate.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

An MPhil degree (SLQF 11) in a relevant field from a recognized university


An approval by the Senate for upgrading from an MPhil to PhD programme


A Bachelor"s degree in a relevant field of full-time four-year duration (SLQF L6) with a First Class from a recognized university, and with evidence for adequate experience in research as acceptable to the relevant Board of Study


Any other qualification equivalent to a full-time two-year research degree (SLQF L 11) acceptable to the relevant Board of Study and to the Faculty Board, Faculty of Graduate Studies and approved by the Senate. 

Due to the nature of responsibilities and commitments connected with their working environments, most candidates who register under this window are carrying out the degree programme on part-time basis, and have no prior recognition of a suitable supervisor for their study. Therefore, the candidates selected under Window 1 are initially given a provisional registration during which they are expected to develop a research proposal, with the guidance of the supervisor assigned by the FGS. Within the 2 years of this provisional registration, they shall present their proposal before a Proposal Evaluation Committee, and upon the acceptance of the proposals, they will be registered for the degree programme, backdated to be effective to the date of initial registration.  Some of these candidates may also need an additional exposure to improve their knowledge in Research Methodology. An opportunity exists for such candidates to develop their research skills by following compulsory course modules on Proposal Writing Techniques and Research Methodology. 

Some candidates may already have prior experience in research and have already identified the supervisors and the area of research. For example, those candidates who have secured research grants by themselves or by their supervisors fall under this category. These candidates have already gone through the phase of proposal development, and hence are not compulsory to follow the prerequisite courses mentioned above. However, the supervisors may recommend them to follow certain modules of the above course, which would be arranged by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, based on their individual requirements during their research work. These candidates are required to submit the research proposal along with the application through the recommendation of the supervisor, and upon the acceptance of the proposals, they will be registered for the degree programme, backdated to date of submission of complete application.

#Degree ProgrammeMinimum DurationMaximum Duration
01MPhil - Full-Time02 years05 years
02MPhil - Part-Time03 years07 years
03PhD - Full-Time03 years07 years
04PhD - Part-Time05 years09 years
  • For Window 1 candidates, applications will be called for by means of an advertisement published by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU or through the website. In a given year, the research projects available at KDU will be published in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, KDU web page, in order to facilitate, assigning of a suitable supervisor for the selected applicants. The candidates should use this information as guidance, to prepare the synopsis to be submitted along with the application. The shortlisted applicants will be interviewed by an Interview Panel consisting of the Dean - Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Dean-Research and Development, Program Coordinator, the Dean of the relevant other Faculty, and the Chairperson of the relevant Board of Study and the potential supervisor/s nominated.
  • For Window 2 candidates, Application is open throughout the year.
Window IRs. 625,000.00Rs. 800,000.00
US $ 3900.00US $ 5000.00
Window IIRs. 160,000.00Rs. 253,000.00 
US $ 1030.00US $ 1665.00

Phd - SLQF 12

MPhil - SLQF 11

Year Programme Fee MPhil Programme  PhD Programme 
 Local Students (LKR)  Foreign Students (USD)  Local Students (LKR)  Foreign Students (USD) 
Provisional RegistrationApplication Fee10,000.003010,000.0030
Provisional Registration    
Registration Fee15,000.0010015,000.00100
Course Fee275,000.001,700275,000.001,700
Library Fee4,000.00254,000.0025
Refundable Lib Deposit10,000.006010,000.0060
Refundable Mess Deposit2,000.00152,000.0015
Study Pack2,500.00152,500.0015
After full registration
1 st yearRegistration Fee----
Course Fee175,000.001,100175,000.001,100
Library Fee----
2 nd yearRegistration Fee15,000.0010015,000.00100
Course Fee175,000.001,100175,000.001,100
Library Fee4,000.00254,000.0025
3 rd yearRegistration Fee--15,000.00100
Course Fee--175,000.001,100
Library Fee--4,000.0025
 TOTAL FEE677,500.004,240871,500.005,465


  • Library fee & Registration fee to be paid annually until the completion of the degree.
  • Refundable Library Deposit, Refundable Mess deposit & fee for study pack to be paid only once at the provisional registration date.
Year Programme Fee MPhil Programme  PhD Programme 
 Local Students (LKR)  Foreign Students (USD)  Local Students (LKR)  Foreign Students (USD) 
1st yearApplication Fee         10,000.00                   30           10,000.00                                  30
Registration Fee           15,000.00                  100             15,000.00                                100
Course Fee           46,000.00                  300             52,000.00                                350
Library Fee             4,000.00                    25               4,000.00                                  25
Bench Fee           10,000.00                    60             10,000.00                                  60
Refundable Lib Deposit           10,000.00                    60             10,000.00                                  60
2 nd yearRegistration Fee           15,000.00                  100             15,000.00                                100
Course Fee           46,000.00                  300             52,000.00                                350
Library Fee             4,000.00                    25               4,000.00                                  25
Bench Fee           10,000.00                    60             10,000.00                                  60
3 rd yearRegistration Fee                      -                      -               15,000.00                                100
Course Fee                      -                      -               52,000.00                                350
Library Fee                 4,000.00                                  25
Bench Fee                      -                      -               10,000.00                                  60
 TOTAL FEE       160,000.00              1,030         253,000.00                             1,665


  • Course Fee & Library fee to be paid annually for 2 years (MPhl) and 3 years (PhD).
  • Registration fee & Bench fee to be paid annually until the completion of the degree.
  • Refundable Library Deposit to be paid only once and is refundable after completion of the degree