Available Research Areas/Projects

If you are seeking to enroll in a research degree check out the details here.

Currently Available Research Areas

The list of currently available research areas for your potential research project are listed down. Find the research area of your choice, and the academic staff member/s matching with your area of research interest, as your potential supervisor. You can directly contact the academic staff member/s from the relevant areas, and may initiate your research project with them for your research degree.

Research AreaFacultyAcademic Staff Member
Public Transport, Transport planning, Transport Policy, Aviation, Disaster ManagementManagement Social Sciences and HumanitiesDr (Mrs) R M N T Sirisoma
Production, Education povertyDr U G Rajapaksha
Entrepreneurship & MarketingDr (Mrs) K R Ambepitiya
Public Transport, Sustainable Transport, Monitoring & EvaluationDr A H S Sharic
Labour Economics, Development Economics, International TradeDr (Mrs) T K J B M Jayasundara
Geography Environment, Climate change, Geo PoliticsEmeritus Prof P Hewage
Mental Health, Social WorkDr (Mrs) L S Liyanage
Development EconomicsDr W M A G H A Premarathne
Communication, PhilosophyDr J D A Kumara
Right to EnvironmentLawMs A A Edirisinghe
Rights of Nature
Earth Jurisprudence
Environmental Law Principles
Sustainable Development
Legal PhilosophyDr B P A Amarasinghe
Public International Law
Legal Anthropology
Constitutional Law
International Humanitarian Law
History of International Law
Law Governing TrademarksMs L M De Silva
Law of Patents
Trade Secrets
Protection of Geographical Indications
Judicial Review of Administrative Action
Public Interest Litigation
Children including infantsMedicineProf G D I Rodrigo
Undernutrition, over-weight and obesity
Childhood development and developmental disorders
Social empowerment
Childhood immunization
Mental HealthTina Solomons
Biomedical engineering - devises on testing blood groups in humans, blood warming and rapid transfusion devises, blood component manufacturing and plasma separationDr T I Withanawasam
Molecular and genetics related to cancersLt Col (Prof) W M M S Bandara
Molecular and genetic research related to cancerDr A J I S Rathnayake
Interested on Sports Medicine, NCD & Exercise Physiology related proposalsDr K D C U Wijayasiri
Neuro cognition and research related to other medical topics tooDr L S Kaththiriarachchi
Human NutritionDr G R N N Waidyarathna
Dengue and ImmunologyDr Y S H T D Silva
Endocrine Physiology, Diabetes, life style modifications & areas of reproductive PhysiologyProf Sudharshani Wasalathanthri
Instructional Designing, E-LearningComputingDr A D A I Gunasekara
Bio-Signal Interactive Virtual Reality, UX and UI Engineering, Distance Learning, Intelligent Transport SystemsDr L P Kalansooriya
Health Informatics, Technology Enhanced Education, Cloud Computing, Block Chain Technology, Enterprise SystemsDr H R W P Gunathilaka
E- Government
Natural Language Processing,Dr B Hettige
High Performance Computing
Ontological Modeling, Fuzzy Logic, Big Data Analytics, Machine LearningMrs D U Vidanagama
Digital InclusionDr N Wedasinghe
e- Governance
Management Information System
E-Marketing & Social Media
Ontology Engineering / Chatbots / Computer Vision / NLP / Computerized Process EnforcementDr B V K I Vidanage
AI/ML for Wireless Communication, Indoor localization/navigation, AI/ML for IoT ApplicationsDr M W P Maduranga
Biotechnology/BiomaterialsTechnologyProf K M G P Premadasa
Biomarkers for Kidney InjuriesDr P A T M Wijerathna
Embedded SystemsDr E K D H D Siriwardena
Waste Water/ Solid Waste TreatmentProf P G Rathnasiri
Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC)Eng K M D Seneviratne
Occupational Safety and ErgonomicsMr N S M D Kapila Nanayakkara
Concrete TechnologyMaj Hansani Warakagoda
International SecurityDefence & Strategic StudiesProf K M G P Premadasa
Military HistoryDr P A T M Wijerathna
Geo-politics and South AsiaDr E K D H D Siriwardena
Maritime SecurityProf P G Rathnasiri

Faculty Members Recruiting Students

This list of academic staff members currently recruiting a research student for a MPhil or a PhD degree is shown down.

Academic Staff MemberFaculty Research Project