Contact Us

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Check "PROGRAMMES" on our website to learn about our postgraduate programs, understand admission requirements, check for the application calling deadlines, and put together a strong application. 

You may also download the "Prospectus" under "DOWNLOADS" for more information.

If you have remaining questions, contact, 

  • Staff Officer II or 
  • Respective Programme coordinator 

via the contact details given, Under "ABOUT FACULTY", such as entry requirements, deadlines, credentials needed etc.

Once you have received an admission offer from us,

  • Follow the instructions given in the Offer letter from the Senior Assistant Registrar of FGS to register as a postgraduate student with us.
  • Attend Orientation programme to get a head start on everything KDU has to offer.

If you have questions, regarding the registration process, contact our SAR or SOII by dropping an email or via phone.

If you wish to deliver documents in support of your application personally such as official degree certificates, please visit out academic division to check the documents and then hand over the documents to the faculty office.

For any inquiries regarding how to make relevant payments, contact our SAB.

You can find information related to the conduct of the degree programme, rules and regulations, etc. on the "Student Hand Book", "By Laws".

All other relevant documents, formats required are available under "DOWNLOADS".

You can check out the Academic Year plan, Semester time table, Weekly class schedule, Exam time table are uploaded in the web.

For specific information which are not answered in our website, contact, 

  • Staff Officer II or Respective Programme coordinator for programme matters
  • SAR for Exam matters, graduation information, student confirmation letters
  • SAB for Course fee payments